So, as I looked at Young Ben in all his sartorial elegance on the cover of the latest edition of Junior Vogue I recalled a fashion related incident involving my late father
I was ordering a drink for my dad and myself (he had an allergy to buying a round) in a local watering hole of the time, but one which I normally frequented alone
"Who is the whisky for?" asked Sandra behind the bar
"My dad, he's in the snug"
"I've never met your dad before. What is he wearing?"
Not exactly the most difficult of questions or one requiring the loss of a lifeline by phoning a friend
"Jacket and trousers, with a shirt and tie" A safe bet as my dad never ventured out of the house without a shirt and tie, even for a pint of milk or a trip to the laundry
"What colour of jacket?"
"Darkish" I said hopefully, not realising the Spanish Inquisition had opened a pub in the West End of Glasgow
"You are so not a girl, Ron" she announced somewhat stating the obvious, but I knew what she meant
Women notice what other people are wearing. They compare other women's clothing to their own and they also notice what men are wearing . They even notice colours and accessories
Most men might notice a woman in a short skirt or tight trousers but five minutes later it's doubtful they will remember what colour it was and men rarely notice what other men are wearing. Basically I think it's because we just don't really care. Given that we only have a limited mental capacity and brief attention span and we have to find room for the important matters in life like football, females and whose round it is, worrying about the apparel of another chap would take up valuable space best left for more pressing matters
There are however exceptions to the rule. My eldest brother who made his fortune in the fashion industry always notices what other people wear...male or female...he always has.
Years ago when when we were just starting up in the Retail Business and we would go for a drink after work he would notice the shoes and bags girls were wearing "Look! They are our shoes" he would announce proudly staring at the feet of a stunning girl whilst I was gazing at a completely different part of her anatomy. "PR7621 Cerise, look like a size 4" He also had the annoying knack of knowing the till code to every item he sold. "And that's one of our bags...DP3068 Mustard"
Obviously it was not the same girl. Even I had enough fashion sense to know that cerise and mustard just don't go together.
Quite often we nearly ended up with a sore face on a night out. "No, honestly mate we were just looking at your girlfriend's shoes" Heard it!
He also had strong opinions on ties. "You cannot buy a decent tie for under £30" he would say putting my Homer Simpson Xmas tie firmly in its place
Anyway ladies I digress. Next time you come home from a night out with friends, see if you can remember what they were wearing and then try the same question on your partner
And my dad?
He was wearing a dark brown tweed jacket with cream trousers and a white shirt with a tie which cost considerably less than £30
I was ordering a drink for my dad and myself (he had an allergy to buying a round) in a local watering hole of the time, but one which I normally frequented alone
"Who is the whisky for?" asked Sandra behind the bar
"My dad, he's in the snug"
"I've never met your dad before. What is he wearing?"
Not exactly the most difficult of questions or one requiring the loss of a lifeline by phoning a friend
"Jacket and trousers, with a shirt and tie" A safe bet as my dad never ventured out of the house without a shirt and tie, even for a pint of milk or a trip to the laundry
"What colour of jacket?"
"Darkish" I said hopefully, not realising the Spanish Inquisition had opened a pub in the West End of Glasgow
"You are so not a girl, Ron" she announced somewhat stating the obvious, but I knew what she meant
Women notice what other people are wearing. They compare other women's clothing to their own and they also notice what men are wearing . They even notice colours and accessories
Most men might notice a woman in a short skirt or tight trousers but five minutes later it's doubtful they will remember what colour it was and men rarely notice what other men are wearing. Basically I think it's because we just don't really care. Given that we only have a limited mental capacity and brief attention span and we have to find room for the important matters in life like football, females and whose round it is, worrying about the apparel of another chap would take up valuable space best left for more pressing matters
There are however exceptions to the rule. My eldest brother who made his fortune in the fashion industry always notices what other people wear...male or female...he always has.
Years ago when when we were just starting up in the Retail Business and we would go for a drink after work he would notice the shoes and bags girls were wearing "Look! They are our shoes" he would announce proudly staring at the feet of a stunning girl whilst I was gazing at a completely different part of her anatomy. "PR7621 Cerise, look like a size 4" He also had the annoying knack of knowing the till code to every item he sold. "And that's one of our bags...DP3068 Mustard"
Obviously it was not the same girl. Even I had enough fashion sense to know that cerise and mustard just don't go together.
Quite often we nearly ended up with a sore face on a night out. "No, honestly mate we were just looking at your girlfriend's shoes" Heard it!
He also had strong opinions on ties. "You cannot buy a decent tie for under £30" he would say putting my Homer Simpson Xmas tie firmly in its place
Anyway ladies I digress. Next time you come home from a night out with friends, see if you can remember what they were wearing and then try the same question on your partner
And my dad?
He was wearing a dark brown tweed jacket with cream trousers and a white shirt with a tie which cost considerably less than £30
If you want to get really tricky with the menfolk, you can always ask them what they themselves were wearing.