So Young Ben and I spent a full day together yesterday whilst his mum and dad were otherwise engaged. This meant I had to forego the excitement of my team Ayr United losing 1-0 at home to Morton so double bonus there.
After a trip to the park in the morning which tired out his old grandpa (I really should have had a nap when he did but it is quite difficult pushing a buggie whilst asleep and he decided to wait until we were homeward bound before nodding off) we settled down in the afternoon to work through the vast array of toys he received for his birthday
He has a rocking horse which is actually a rocking caterpillar, a bouncy horse which may be a zebra and a new bike which is such an amazing contraption that it doubles as a buggie, chariot, small condo, taxi, time machine and Optimus Prime
Unfortunately I am too big for any of these so we played with his Animuddles

These are a triumvirate of duck, cow and sheep. When you have the correct top and bottom halves together they make the appropriate sounds. However if you happen to join the bottom half of Mr Duck with the top half of Mr Cow you hear a strange combined quacking and mooing sound. I must admit I find these strange hybrids somewhat disconcerting
Ben has a habit, which reflects how much time his mum and dad spend on their mobile phones, of using whatever toy is at hand as a phone. It is not uncommon to see him discussing the events of the day with a hippo or a hammer pressed to his ear. I should stress here that this is a plastic hammer as unless Ben takes his DIY skills from his mum's side of the family he would not know what to do with a hammer, other than smash things that he should not be smashing
Then came the big indoor footie match. Ben won the toss and had first pick and immediately went for his musical Octopus who proved to be an outstanding goalkeeper given his additional limbs. My first pick was Tigger whose back flips although hugely entertaining failed to produce much of an end result. My major mistake however was to pair the Penguins in my central midfield. Their lack of mobility proved costly as Mickey Mouse and Donald Duck in Ben's midfield ran rings round them and provided a constant supply of chances to the deadly Barney up front
By the time Mr Oinking Pig had been sent off for my team for foul and abusive grunting it was all over and we adjourned for juice and biscuits. I claimed that I lost 4-2 but Ben said the score was 37-1 which may have been closer to the truth. I am looking to sign Buzz Lightyear and Mr Potato Head before our next encounter
The Penguins have been signed up by Ayr United. Despite their obvious limitations they will be a vast improvement on our present incumbents in centre midfield
My favourite toy of Ben's at the moment is his Elephant Musical Jungle Ball Shoot Chute Thing although I doubt that is how Fisher Price market it. Basically the balls shoot out the hole in the top and then run down the chute into the elephant's trunk and the process is repeated. However Ben has discovered that if you drop anything small enough (Mr Hippo does not fit) down the funnel it will come popping back up again. He now does this with his dummy and tries to catch it in his mouth as it shoots out the top again. I am convinced that if this was an Olympic Sport Ben would win Gold in London next year although obviously by that time he would be far too old for a dummy
As we settled down on the couch to read about Spot's Noisy Day and Young Ben pressed a bus to his ear and called his mum, I knew that I would sleep well that night and was already looking forward to our next adventure
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