Sunday, October 30, 2011

You look like an angel, walk like an angel, talk like an angel, but I got wise

Well it's that time of the year again. Young Ben and I used our extra hour last night to discuss our costumes for tomorrow night.

I plan to go as the new Old Spice Man. I think I have all the bases covered, I just need to find a horse from somewhere.

Ben wants to go as a pirate which should be easy since he hasn't taken his costume off since his party and that fake tatoo isn't proving so fake after all.

I told him he could stick a knife in a box of Corn Flakes and go as a cereal killer but he told me his mum does not let him play with Corn Flakes

As part of my Blog research this week (and by research I mean ripping off other people's Blogs) I came across some extremely inappropriate Halloween costumes for kids

Some of these were just tacky like the Village People and Baby Pimp costumes

But then there were the downright offensive. I do not consider myself a prude but a black slave costume, REALLY?

This reminds me of the Family Guy episode where Chris comes downstairs with his face blacked out to go trick-or-treating as Bill Cosby and his mum says  "Chris, you can't just walk around in blackface. It's racist. Now go upstairs and put on that Indian chief costume I bought you".

And then we have the winner of the bad taste costumes.....the suicide bomber. What kind of person sends their son out dressed like this as a joke

I then looked at Halloween scenes from the movies, particularly those which were not just meant to scare us.
Here is my Top 5

1. ET.............our lovable little alien wants to fix the wound caused by the fake knife through Michael's head and then meets Yoda in the street. Brilliant! I cannot wait until Ben is old enough to watch ET. I hate crying on my own
2. The Karate Kid.....Daniel-san goes to the fancy dress party dressed as a shower but still falls foul of the nasty Cobra Kai (this is the original 1984 version. I have not seen the recent remake)
3. To Kill A Mockingbird......Scout and Jem are saved by the mysterious Boo Radley
4. Donnie Darko......................strange movie....creepy rabbit.....nuff said
5. Halloween.............any scene with Jamie Lee Curtis is a good scene in my book

I leave you this week with my Top 10 Halloween related songs

1. Thriller.......................Michael Jackson (probably the best music video ever made)
2. Monster Mash....................Bobby 'Boris' Pickett
3. Le Freak............................Chic
4. (Don't Fear) The Reaper.......Blue Oyster Cult
5. Halloween............................Sonic Youth
6. Devil In Disguise...................Elvis Presley
7. There's A Ghost In My House...R Dean Taylor
8. I Put A Spell On You................Screamin' Jay Hawkins
9. Bad Moon Rising......................Creedence Clearwater Revival
10. She's Not There.....................The Zombies

I hope you appreciate that I refrained from including one of my all time favourite songs Disguise In Love With You by Herb Alpert

Anyway ' a horse, a horse, my kingdom for a horse' . Otherwise I will have to dig out the Mr Blobby costume once again (hope it still fits)

1 comment:

  1. Great blog as always - you should make a book of these - but you omitted to mention:
    Let's jump the broomstick - Brenda Lee
    Magic Lantern - Uriah Heep
    and of course
    Bridge over the River Kwai theme tune

    Now that's a turnip for the books!
