He's back!!!
After what seemed like an eternity Young Ben has returned from holiday with tales of his adventures in The Dominican Republic and apparently the highlight of his trip was a Dolphin Tale. During a visit to Ocean World in Puerto Plata the youngster went swimming with dolphins and encountered a new lifelong friend in Dexter the Dolphin.
Dexter had a partner called Bucito and it was difficult to tell them apart. They looked just like two dolphins in a pod, but it was Dexter who took a shine to Young Ben. In the pool jumping through hoops, balancing a ball on his nose and catching fish in mid-air. Dexter said that he could also do all these tricks but he enjoyed watching Ben do them anyway.
He told Ben tales of his great uncle Flipper who became a movie star and had his own TV Series. No matter how famous Flipper became he would always send fish for his family back home. Flipper had encounters with trapped friends in sunken boats, sharks, spies, pirates, alligators and mines but in all the trains and banks he robbed, he never shot anyone. If ever he had a tough decision to make he would just Flipper coin.
Dexter was very proud of his dad who became mascot for a certain American Football team situated in Miami and whenever Dan Marino needed anyone to go really long he was always first choice
There was also an aunt who left for the big time and appeared on Top Of The Pops dancing with Ruby Flipper, but the family didn't like to talk about her much. She never sent fish home
After work Dexter and Ben hung out and watched TV. Dexter's favourite programme was 'Whale Of Fortune'. Ben asked him if he wanted to play 'Ecco The Dolphin' on his Mega Drive but he said he preferred 'Grand Theft Auto-Atlantis'
Apparently Dexter was nominated for a Best Supporting Actor Oscar for his part in the new movie 'Dolphin Tale' but lost out to his favourite actor Dolph Lundgren
Ben says that he and Dexter are going to stay in touch using sea-mail. I think that's excellent. It's always good to have a porpoise in life
I leave you this week with my Deep Sea Ocean Top 10
1. Dolphins.................Tim Buckley
2. Starfish and Coffee......Prince
3. Happy Together...........The Turtles
4. Octopus's Garden.........The Beatles
5. Crazy....................Seal
6. Shark In The Water.......VV Brown
7. Love Is The Law..........The Seahorses
8. The Whale................ELO
9. Summer Fun...............The Barracudas
10. Porpoise Song...........The Monkees
Apologies to my brother for not including Crawfish by Elvis but my understanding is that they are fresh water creatures
FIN (that's French for the end. See what I did there)
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